Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Friday, July 18, 2003


Leaving town tonight - Topeka-bound for Mimi's baby shower (due in three weeks!) and Jesse's graduation party. Dread the drive, but looking forward to seeing everyone. 'Twill be nice to spend some time with AJ too.

I was not (am not) feeling well today, so no run again this morning. I feel like there is a baseball in my fallopian tube. Thankfully, that's not possible. I dunno if perhaps I'm simply ovulating, and I am just not used to that feeling (since I was on the pill for 17 years and now I am not) - or if there is something else going on down there. I will give it until Monday to feel better and if not, will see a doc.

Not much new to report except that I heard from my great long lost friend Dodi today, via e-mail. This is the second e-mail in as many weeks, and I am happy happy about that. It's been six years since I have seen her...need to plan a trip to Canada! Note to self: Must acquire valium for airplane flight.

Will be back from Kansas on Sunday.

'Till then, we out.