Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Thursday, July 17, 2003


Got a ton done last night since Aj was gone until midnight and the cable internet was out at home. I cleaned the entire house, did laundry and got organized. Phew. Stayed up too late, though, and so slept in this morning. Did not make it out the door until 6:30 so only ran two miles. (21:00 with one 45 second walk-break.) Might try to get in a late run tonight - or at the least a brisk walk. I have been eating too much today not to. Indian food for lunch.

Got a "thank you" card from my Aunt yesterday for having attended my Great Grandma's funeral. Indicative of how close my family is, eh? "Thanks for coming when Great Grandma Died...". STRANGE.


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