Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Mmmmkay.....another suck morning. Well, okay, that's extreme, but I overheated whilst running again. I did run all three miles, but took two extra 45 second walk-breaks to finish the whole thing in 34 minutes. I guess that's really not all THAT bad, once you figure in 3 minutes worth of walk-breaks. It was already over 80 degrees when I hit the road this morning - steamy.

Good news: It is supposed to rain later today and cool everything down. The temps are only supposed to be in the 80s all weekend and early next week. That could mean it's only around 60-65 degrees when I leave to go running. That would be a welcome break.

Zee's 15th birthday was yesterday, and since she's on house arrest until November, the gifts I brought her were all stuff to do. She was not outwardly grateful - never really is. I like to assume she's inwardly grateful but I really don't know. I sat and helped her on the rug-hooking project for a while, and am not convinced she will work on it ever again - but she might surprise me.

I was pretty disturbed by a number of things while I was there, namely all of the sexually vulgar phrases, white power proclamations and Nazi symbols drawn all over her walls. (Her Dad let's her have free reign in her room.) I started reading things she had written, and calling her out on stuff, "Zee, is this what you stand for? Is this how you really feel? You're a white supremisist now? How come you're listening to Rap music, then?"

She told me, "that's not what I'm about". So I explained to her what the Nazi symbol symbolizes, and what it stands for and what it brings to mind, for most people, and told her to be careful. Just because it means little to you does not mean it means little to others. Don't throw it around like it means nothing - because it is highly offensive to some people, myself included.

I told her that if "white power" is not what she's about then she needs to scrub it off of her walls, that it's not "cool" - it's something to be ashamed of and an ideology that she should fight against.

At one point she asked me to sign the wall somewhere, and handed me a marker. I told her I preferred not to be associated with the things she has written on the walls, and she asked me to find a clean spot, where there were no offensive remarks. I finally found a spot next to a picture of Eminem, and drew a cartoon bubble coming out of his mouth that contained the words, "Yo Zee, always remember that 'Bo' loves you."

Also disturbing: She got a teeny tiny black kitten for her birthday that she named, "Demon" and that she tosses around like a stuffed toy. I told her three times while I was there to be gentle with the cat, to stop being what I consider flat out mean. At one point she picked it up by it's head. I am so ....lost here.



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