Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Friday, July 11, 2003


I have found that the later the day gets, the less I feel like blogging.

Anyway- my run this morning was decent. It was only 71 degrees, and I ran three in 31:30 with two 45-second walk-breaks. So...basically 3 tens. I was still miserably hot, and felt like I really had to struggle to get a decent time. (Mind you, a ten-minute mile, while decent for me, is a snail's pace to some runners. I think my personal best at race pace is an 8:30. Mind you, I was racing people who were totally unaware that we were racing at the time.)

Anyway- I got to thinking, does it not stand to reason, that someone who prefers and feels physically best running when it's 30 degrees, would feel less good when it's 40-50 degrees warmer than they prefer? (Horrible sentence but you get the point). I think maybe I have just been too hard on myself where this heat is concerned. So what if I have to take an extra walk break, or if I have to run slower because I overheat? It is 100% warmer outside than when I feel my best. It makes total sense for me to feel like I am struggling a bit. So I need to get off my own nuts and just chill. Worry about times and speed when it cools off and for now, just worry about getting out there. Frick.

Anyway - This morning when I left to go running, Aj told me he would drive up to say hello/g'bye before he went on to work. He does this pretty frequently. He will locate me, then turn the truck around and drive beside me while I run for a little while so we can chat. On occasion, I will sprint and have him pace me and tell me how fast I was going. I think it's always about the same, 10 miles an hour. Woo woo.

Anyway - so this morning he locates me and stops way up the street before me to turn the truck around so he's headed the same direction. Then he sits in the road and waits until I approach before he lets his foot off the brake and allows the truck to begin to roll along beside me. I finally reach him and he's rolling and I'm running along the passenger side and I'm drenched because I'm hot hot hot, and he says, "can you do me a favor?" .....and I am looking at him like, "okay?" and he says, "If I stop the truck can you open the door and get my wallet? It fell between the door and the seat"....

I said, "EXCUSE ME?!! EXCUUUUSE ME??!! You want me to stop running (which I am actually doing as I am yelling at him) and open your door and get your wallet? You have two legs!" I said as I slammed the door and continued on my way. His response before screeching off was simply an exasperated, "...DUDE!"

I was so offended because he'd sat all that time in the middle of the road, waiting for me to jog up to the truck - then wanted me to break my stride and get his wallet out of the very truck he'd been sitting idle in all that time. How rude!

Anyway - I was pissed but did not take it personally because it was just so Aj of him.


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