Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Monday, July 14, 2003


Aj and I were laying in bed talking last night, when all of a sudden he grabbed me, stared into my eyes and cried, "dear God! No! No! It can't be!" Just when I was thinking there was an alien behind me he leapt out of bed and ran down stairs to the safe, where he ripped out the Metallica tickets and confirmed his worst fears.

He recently scheduled a trip home to New York, purchased air fare, etc. and he had forgotten about the concert when he planned his away dates. Consequently, he will not be in town for the Metallica concert, and is EXTREMELY upset, pissed at himself, and sad, sad, sad - that he does not get to go with Chris, Kellie and I. I told Chris to invite one of his friends, and to kick Aj next time he sees him.

I am a weee bit cranky today, and feeling busywhelmed now that school is back in session and I have a ton of homework to do. Have to write research paper and give presentation w/ Powerpoint next class Saturday. My topic is: Cheating: How to, and it's effects on students. Fun topic, but a lot of BS to dig through in web research.

I've not asked Aj about classes on base yet. I think I was lulled by all the free time I had in the past few weeks, as now I am thinking, "WHAT WAS I THINKING!?" Too much else to do, especially with internship starting. Playing tennis with Aj a few times a week will have to do for now.

I am tired! Stayed up too late giggling with Aj . At one point, the full moon was absolutely glaring in the bedroom window, and I made a comment about the moon hitting my eye like a big piece of pie, and that was it. We were delirious from then on. Think we went to sleep around midnight. Both over-slept and woke up in a panic.

House is trashed, hate my job (bored) and have no patience for anyone who thinks they're really f'ing cute. Did I mention I was a bit cranky?


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