Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Finally, finally, a decent run this morning. I cannot figure out the reason for my success as the variables were pretty much the same, but I am happy nonetheless. I did a really slow warm-up followed by a fast half mile, then ran the last two miles at a comfortable pace. Took two 45 second walk-breaks and finished in 32 minutes. So...not bad - not great - but at least I was not walking home overheated and pissed. Argh!

I have had a hard time getting out of bed to go run lately. Normally I don't have any trouble with motivation, but for a while now I have had to practically talk myself into going. Some mornings I am just not buying my own motivational speech. I told Aj this morning that it could be simply because I have not been very successful lately due to overheating. Who knows. I am just glad it went well today. Could have been my brand new super comfy yoga pants that did it.

Speaking of yoga, need to ask Aj if there are free classes on base. I want to look into some cross training, but want something involving a group and want it to be instructor-led. Free would be good too. Maybe boot camp, spinning, Pilates?


We have been going through old clothes at home to get ready for our garage sale this weekend, and I have come across a few pair of pants that I no longer want, but still wanted to know I could wear if I wanted to. I tried on a pair of very, very tight jeans that used to fit comfortably, and one pair of navy Dockers that I could not even pull up all the way. I was griping to Aj about how much weight I have gained, and the fact that my old pants don't fit anymore, and he said, "You have not gained an ounce of fat though. You have just put a lot of muscle on your legs from all of your running!"

He is so nice.

While I am sure I have put on some muscle, I also know I have gained fat weight...and size. Erg. At least I can say I have been eating enough to warrant the gain. Had I been eating clean and running like I should be, and still failed to fit in my pants, I would be crushed.


Pool party this weekend. Probably the one time I will be in a swimsuit this year and I dread it.

I'm so vain
I probly think this blog is about me
I'm so vain
I'll bet I think this blog is about me
Don't I?
Don't I?
Don't I?



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