Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Playing Ketchup

Or should that be catsup?

Where the heck have I been for a week?! Well, I have been running so much with my new running partner, that there has been no time to blog! NOT. I never did hear from her. Guess she changed her mind. FLAKE!

Lessee what I can remember from the last week...

Wed 23: Aj left for NY. I stayed up tres late doing homework.

Thu 24: Stayed at the office until 10:00 PM working on presentation and research paper due on Saturday.

Fri 25: Vacation day! Ran 3 in 31:30, then ran errands. Went to Metallica, Limp Bizkit, Lincoln Park (Summer Sanitarium Tour). Had a blast! Highlights: Tailgated with a biggo group of people, shook Fred Durst's hand, found a $20 bill in my seat, jumped the barriers and made it to second row for Metallica, got a guitar pick from James Hetfield and one from Rob Trujillo. Home late with ringing ears.

Sat 26: Left for class at 7:30 AM - presentation went well. After class, worked on abstract, conclusion and reference list for research paper. Had to e-mail to professor by midnight. Made it by 7:30 PM. Went to Lyn's to drop off laptop I recently fried, and was invited to stay for dinner: spaghetti, stuffed chicken breast, zuchini and garlic bread. MMmmm! Home and sleeping by 11 PM.

Sun 27: Left for class at 7:30 AM - class went long due to presentations -home late. Changed and mowed the front and back lawn, showered and dressed for Aj's arrival. Then - out to dinner with him. We had a good time and got caught up on eachother's weeks. BOTH VERY TIRED.

Mon 29: Yesterday. Overslept my run. Got my graded research paper back - earned a 30/30. Work, nail appointment, home, cooked, ate, in bed by 9:30. STILL VERY TIRED.

Today! Up at 6:00 and out running. Ran three in 32 with two one-minute-walk breaks. Stopped to talk to Aj for a bit as he left for work. This morning's run was really....strange. I normally breathe four out two in, in rhythmic pace with my steps...and for some reason this morning for the first time ever, I was finding myself on a five out two in rhythm. No idea what that was about. Also...I never felt overheated - or like I was going to overheat. No idea what that was about either.

Weight before: 141
Weight after: 140

I am a bit crampy today, and feel like I could start any time. Joy.

What have YOU been up to?


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