Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Sunday, July 06, 2003

Forgot to post earlier about a funny dream I had last night.

Lyn has been getting stronger and stronger and doing all of these amazing things at the gym - like curling 20's and beating T in wall sits AFTER she works legs. So anyway, in my dream....

Lyn was like, "watch this"......and she got down all all fours and then flipped into a headstand position. I was like, "wow, cool"...and she goes, "no wait, that's not it"...and so then, she uses one arm only to push off the ground into a one-armed hand stand position. I was like "holy crap that's awesome" ...she basically did a one armed pushup with her body in a vertical position, and I was totally impressed.

She brought her feet down in a round-off type landing and then came walking toward me shaking her head and crying.

I said, "what? what is it?!" and shaking her head, she grabbed her arm and said, "that was not good. That was not smart at all".

and I said, "why? Crunchy shoulder?"

and she said, "yup - crunchy shoulder"

and that was it.


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