Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

It's been one of those days.

Les'ee here. Ran three in 31:30 this morning with two one-minute walk breaks. Felt pretty good, but had fairly low energy (in comparison to my evening run last week) and so am off to GNC after work to see about purchasing some "GOO". It's a tube of squishy jelly stuff that marathon runners use to sustain energy throughout long runs. Each pouch is loaded with carbs, and has about 100 calories. I am going to see if I can improve my morning runs by ingesting a pouch of goo right when I climb out of bed. (Hopefully it does not give me the morning runs.)

Weight before: 142.5 Grrrrr...
Weight after: 141

What else? Remember the post below about Ryan Kennedy - the guy who had a seizure on the tennis court that day? Well, he called Aj today to let him know that he'd gotten a CT Scan after the incident, and that he'd gotten his results back. He has a brain tumor. Thankfully, it seems to be benign and is operable. That is all I know right now. I am not sure how this will affect his career, or what his recovery from the surgery might be like since my only experience with brain tumors was with my Mom's inoperable Glioma-type tumor. I am sort of in shock since finding out this news about Ryan...and not really sure how to put my feelings into words. I am counting my blessings though.

My demanding customer is driving me crazy today. They love to throw around the word "unacceptable!" so much so that Larry and I have a running joke in the office that goes like this: Unacceptable?! Now there's a word I haven't heard in five minutes!

On the home front:

Aj and I are doing well. We have made Wednesday nights our new mandatory "date night" in an effort to spend more time together. We will take turns picking the night's activities. This week is mine, and we shall probably go out to dinner and to a movie - I want to see American Wedding, now that I've seen American Pie I and II.

When I am done with school, we have decided to learn to speak a foreign language (fluently) together. (We will prolly go back to French since we have both had multiple years of it - me 4th grade through college, and him 6th grade through high school. But we have also talked about Russian or one of the languages of Persia). It was my idea to adopt foreign language as a hobby together, because it is NON competitive, and is something that can really be facilitated through having a live-in partner to practice speaking with. How conveeeeeeeenient.

Aj is golfing with Todd tonight as a "favor" to me, the way he tells it - so I can get some homework done. I hope I can really dig in and get a chunk of it done so I can go to the park with Lyn on Thursday night. She promised to bring Kibbles and wine.

My sister's doc told her today that he will induce her labor on August 12 if she's not in labor naturally by then. That would be very conveeeeenient for me as I can travel to Kansas on the weekend of the 15th. I hope I hope I hope.



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