Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Thursday, September 04, 2003

Tonight is date night - and Aj's turn to pick. All he has told me is to dress comfortably for indoor and/or outdoor activity. I will tell you all about it tomorrow.

Today: Ran 3 in 31:47 - what a perfect morning to run. Blue sky, crisp air, and the brightest sunrise I've seen in my life. My shadow was a mile long. It was definitely one of those days I could have run four or five miles, given the time. I was late to work as it was. I have been late a lot lately. Anyway...

Weight yesterday: 140
Weight today: 141
Weight today after run: 140
Weight after coffee and oatmeal: just kidding

Why why why am I documenting my weight, you ask in anguish? Because believe it or not, knowing I have to post my weight for all to see every day keeps me from eating too much. When I start posting 142's and 143's, I get motivated to clean up my eating realquick. Those are the times I think about NOT posting...but I force myself because it motivates me to do what needs to be done.

140 is probably the weight my body is healthiest at. Would I like to lose a few pounds? Absolutely. I would love to lose about ten, actually. But If I can maintain at around 140 for the rest of my life I'll be thrilled. Well, okay, not thrilled, but satisfied.

I am not feeling very inspired to blog - so will go before this becomes even more boring.


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