Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Friday, August 22, 2003

So much to say

...and so little time.

Today's stats:
3 in 33:11 again, but only one walk-break.
Weight before: 139.5
Weight after: 138.5

I have been letting myself just "run" this week, which is why you see slower times. I wanted to see how fast, or slow, I would run my normal three if I did not really push myself at all. I am finding that it is really a more enjoyable way to run, for me. It makes me wonder why I ever started trying to improve my speeds to begin with. I think I would rather be striving to add distance than to be really fast. What is my problem?

In other news: Being offered the chance at a promotion at work, that will come with a 25-35% raise, and don't know if I want it. I am really struggling with the decision, and going back and forth thinking I have made up my mind to take it, then drifting and finding myself solidly against taking it. I have a list of pros and cons in my head that I need to put onto paper this weekend and discuss with Aj. More on this after that.

One of the classes for my internship was cancelled for low enrollment, so have to amend my contract with my program coordinator. Great - another paper to write. This could work out way better in the long run. I will be doing a project for my office instead, which means I can clock hours for the internship while I am here during my normal business day. That will definitely help take some of the load off if I do take the promotion at work, as I won't have to intern two night a week, only one. I also feel glad that the less interesting of the two classes is the one that fell through. Little blessings to be found everywhere, I say.

Busy weekend: Going to the Cardinal's game tonight with Lyn, C, Lou and Brian. Class all day tomorrow, out to dinner and casino with girls from class tomorrow night, class all day Sunday complete with final exam loaded with statistics problems. I wonder where I can pencil my husband in this weekend...what was that guy's name again?


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