Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Tuesday, September 02, 2003


Thursday: Ran three in 31:41. Weight was 139. Worked all day and took Aj to the Ram's vs. Chiefs pre-season game for date night. It was a big success - Aj was surprised and happy... even though it was the most boring game of all time.

Friday: Woke up early, packed and drove to KC. Arrived in time to do some shopping and check into the most disgusting $125 per night hotel I have ever stayed in. Went to a Royals vs. Angels game that we'd bought tickets for months ago. We had a great time despite the Royals losing. Love that staduim! Love Kansas City.

Saturday: Woke up, ate breakfast and checked out of the Dreary Inn. Headed to Worlds of Fun even though it was raining and was supposed to rain for days on end. Had a blast riding all of the rides with no wait - literally walking right on to any ride in the park. However, rain in the face at 70 mph hurts. Bad. We decided it was worth it. We did not stay all day because we were tired of being drenched, and because we had ridden everything we wanted to and then some. We left there and headed to Jim's to dry out and rest. I was glad we left early, as Aunt Flo paid a very unexpected visit. Later that night we headed to the Ameristar Entertainment Complex (formerly Stations Casino - which is a former employer of mine) for dinner and possibly a movie or gambling. The rain was still coming down and the place was packed. We ate at the Great Plains Cattle Co. where Aj said he had the best prime rib ever. I ordered salad and a lobster bisque that I sent back because it tasted like gravy. The manager came out and said that I was right, they had put too much flour in the roux that night - and took it off the bill. After dinner, we gambled until we had lost our set spending amout for the night - took about five minutes.

Sunday: Went to see grandma in the morning. Played a game of scrabble with her while we visited. She won, with some assistance. For lunch we went to Bio-dad's for grilled burgers, potato salad and cheesecake for dessert. Then to Old Navy for some more shopping and finally back to Jim's to get ready for dinner at Zio's. Jim, Phyllis, Gretchen, Tom and Aj and I went and had a really good time. Aj and I ordered and split the same two dishes we always get. Aj cracked me up during dinner by ordering a 'sherrrazzzz' and when that did not work, a 'white chardonnay'.

Monday: Jim and Phyllis baked a breakfast pizza and served juice and coffee first thing in the morning. Aj and I were showered, packed and out the door by 10:30 AM - home by 3:00. Stopped at the grocery on the way home and stocked up on a few essentials. For dinner I made baked chicken breasts served atop ziti with garlic, olive oil, sauteed mushrooms, red onion, green pepper, sliced grape tomatos, feta and parmesan. Mmm....a few glasses of wine and a movie on the side - 'How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days'...really brought our mini-vacation to a close nicely.

Tuesday: Ran 3 in 31+...can't remember the exact. Weight before 141.5 - weight after 140. Not as bad as I had feared after four free days and a visit from Aunt Flo. No time to dilly dally today. Played catch-up at work all day and have class for my internship tonight.

So much more to talk about....but have to go now.



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