Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Thursday, August 21, 2003

Thanks for checking back...

I've not been here all week because I have once again, managed to create my own litte personal hell by procrastinating. I have put off a project for one of my college classes to the point that I am now bullshitting my way through it for lack of time to do it correctly. In fact, the only reason I am here now is because if I don't do a brain dump, I'll forget the content of the lists I am keeping in my head. This will not be exciting stuff.

Running List:

Sat: 90 degrees by 8AM - only eeked out two miles, then walked one.

Sun: rest day

Mon: 90 degrees by 8AM - only eeked out two miles, then walked one.

Tues: Ran 3 in 32:10 with two walk-breaks

Wed: Ran 3 in 33:11 with two walk-breaks

Thur: (today) rest day - weight = 140.5

Of note: that stuff I said in an earlier post about August not being hot...I was out of my mind that day. It's hot. It's Africa hot. We are supposed to have a heat index of 114 today. Sheesh.

Of note: Running in Kansas City is great. Jim's place is in a fairly affluent neighborhood in one of the wealthiest counties in the US (Johnson County, Kansas). The population in the area are mostly young thirty-somethings, and almost everyone works out, so there are always scads of people out walking, biking, pushing strollers, blading, etc. Thanks to the demand, there are paths and trails and roads that are very runner friendly. While out running in KC, I found I was one of the least fit people on the trail. I swear everyone I saw was a fitness model. Even the men. Oooph. Nice.

List of stuff I did in Kansas City Last Weekend

Fri: Arrived at Jim's around 9:30 PM after having stopped for a bottle of Merlot. (I bought a bottle to share with Jim! I did not drink the bottle on the drive up or anything. Sheesh. Think the worst!) Stayed up until 2:00AM talking and drinking wine. Very nice.

Sat: Up at 8AM and out running. HOT HOT HOT. Back in to shower, then drove to Topeka to see my sister's little beebee. He stole my heart. Drove back to KC and showered and changed and then drove an hour in the opposite direction to Smithville Lake where Teresa and Dave were camping. Stayed and talked until midnight, then drove back to Jim's. This is a much longer story, but no time for that right now.

Sun: Up at 10:30 :) and to the Ethnic Festival! Later, went with Jim and Phyllis to Mimi's Cafe for dinner. Loved this place. Neat atmosphere...check out this menu option:

penne pasta, chicken, fresh spinach, roma tomatoes and fresh basil, with feta cheese and toasted pine nuts.

...and they even have a "Fitness Menu". I am telling you - KC Peeps are pro-fitness. Oh how I would love to move back!

Mon: Up at 7:30AM and out running. HOT HOT HOT. Drove back to St. Louis and was home by 2:30PM.

List of ethnicities represented at the Ethnic Festival
...the ones I can remember anyway

African American
American Indian
Peoples Republic of China
Sierra Leone

Phew! I am really glad to get that list out of my head! Keeping it in alphabetical order was tough!

List of foods I tried: ..most of these were just bites - our group was sharing everything. Dagnabbit!

Dolmas with pita
Pakora with chutney
Samosa with chutney
boiled soy beans - yech
fried plaintain
spinach stew
apple strudel
Killian's Irish Red ;-)

Would have tried more, but the heat index was 112 that day, which kills the appetite. In addition, Jim's girlfriend collapsed from the heat. Not sure which of these she suffered from...

Heat syncope---fainting caused when the body compensates for too much heat by diverting blood from the brain to the skin.

Heat exhaustion---extreme fatigue characterized by muscle aches, nausea, and fever. Additional symptom include clammy skin, diarrhea, rapid pulse, vomiting, and weakness.

Heat stroke---failure of the body's temperature control systems. Heat stroke can be fatal depending upon severity and treatment. Symptoms include confusion, agitation, hyperventilation, racing pulse, lethargy, convulsions, and eventually loss of consciousness. The body temperature rises to extremely high levels, sometimes above 110 degrees Fahrenheit, which can damage major organs.

...but we rounded up a medic, drenched her in water, and got her out of the heat as soon as we could. Not good! What is it with me and people collapsing? This time Aj was not there to save the person, but I called him on the cell phone and started spouting statistics to him. It went something like this:

Aj: Hello?

Me: I have a fifty year old white female, approximately 110 pounds, five foot tall. She is collapsed but barely conscious, seems to be experiencing extreme lethargy. Says she can't move, is naseous, feels like she is going to faint. She's been out in the heat for approximately three hours. She is currently collapsed over a table. What should I do, over?

Aj: Get a medic, get her out of the heat if possible, out of the sun, lay her down, drench her in water, pack her in ice if available. Bring her body temperature down and get her hydrated. If she can, have her drink water - lots of it. Over?

Me: okay, thanks, bye.

Aj: bye

Yup. I Thank God for my husband.

The only other list of things I am keeping in my head is a list of things to do. Which reminds me....I gotta go!


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