Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Monday, August 25, 2003

It's all good...

The only thing remarkable about this morning's run, is that I did it in new running shoes. Yesterday I bought a pair of New Balance 752 that are extremely similar to the first pair of running shoes I ever bought, which were 764 I think. I love them - even though I did acquire a little blister on my right arch this morning. I remember getting a blister when I was breaking in my first pair of NB, and I think it's just from the added arch support.

I ran 3 in 33:09 with 2 walk breaks.
Weight before: 140
Weight after 138.5

Not bad, considering everything I ate over the weekend. Here's the wrap-up on that:

Saturday Night: We had a pretty good time. Went to The Landing and ate steak and grilled shrimp at SKEETER'S EATERY. This was the only place on the landing that had less than a two-hour wait to be seated when we arrived at just before 8PM. (The food was okay - I probably won't go back, unless the only other option is allowing my stomach to digest itself while waiting two hours to eat somehwere else. )

I talked the girls into heading to FAT TUESDAY'S for dessert. They have a wall of frozen sweet drink machines that stretch from one end of the bar to the other....frozen Mud Slides, Margaritas, Sex on the Beach, Pina Colada, Peach Daquiri, etc. They pretty much have any flavor you might want. I got a margarita, and the other girls got mudslides. The band, (named "Two Dick Bob" incidentally) was pretty good. They were pretty much playing 80's stuff...Jenny Jenny of 867-5309 fame, Jessie's Girl, and the like. Kat, the oldest of the group, could not resist dancing to these- so I joined her. It is hard for me to dance to that stuff beat-wise. I really prefer hip hop, R&B, bump & grind, or whatever you wanna call it - but dance I did. I wanted Jessie's Girl by God.

We decided to leave there and hop on the Metro to head to the casino, but when we walked past BAR, (that's really what it's called, just: BAR) Kat saw all the girls up dancing on the bar and just HAD to go in and get up there. She was marching right in when the bouncer demanded she pay a cover, and she said, "awww come on! I am 39 years old! Let an old lady go in and have some fun!". After more begging, the bouncer said, "oh.....OKAY" and let her pass by. Of course, we tried to follow dutifully behind but the bouncer stepped in front of us with his arms crossed. "Five dollars each".

I was like, "WHAT?! come ON dude! That is bullsh*t!". (Very convincing, I know.) Kat had paused to wait for us, but now just said, "oh girls, just watch through the window, I just want one dance on the bar!" and off she went. I did not want to have to pay $5.00 each just to go in and dance for one song. We peered through the window and watched as she made her way in, solicited help up onto the bar, and started dancing. It was SO funny. The whole time I was griping to the bouncer, "this is so lame, YOU are so lame. This place sucks. I am never coming back. I am telling my friends never to come here...and on and on. By the time the song ended I had three free passes approved by someone named "Daddy" and we were all in. I hopped up on the bar and danced with Kat to the Chingy song Right Thurr. It was great fun. We stayed for another song or two and then headed to the Metro for the one-stop ride to the casino.

By the time we made it inside we only had about half an hour to actually play before we had to leave in order to catch what would be the last Metro train back to our original stop. I was not all that enthused about being there, as there is not much you can do in thirty minutes, and ya certainly can't find an empty spot at a table-game in so little time on a Saturday night. I put a twenty in a quarter slot and sat down. I max-bet through about $19.25 of it without winning a single coin. I was once again proclaiming aloud what BS this was, when I hit for 500 quarters ($125.00). SWEET! I cashed out right away, happy that I'd just paid for my entire evening plus some.

When walking toward the Metro, I heard a train approaching, and said, "come on girls! We can make the earlier one and not have to wait 15 more minutes!". I went charging off and up the three flight of stairs in plenty of time to have boarded the train, but when I looked behind me, the other girls were nowhere to be seen. I watched as the doors closed and the train vanished into the distance before the other three came straggling up the stairs, huffing and puffing. Another reason that running pays off! (Or in this case, would have paid off had I been able to board.) We made it back to our stop around 1:00 AM and I am sure I was asleep by the time my head hit the pillow around 1:20.

I was up at 6:00 AM and out the door by 7:15 to get breakfast and head to class. I felt really strange, not having cracked a book the night before for my FINAL exam. Plus, I lacked sleep and was a bit hungover. The long and short of it is, that it was one of the best exams I have ever seen. (Good thing, since it is a class on Assessment.) It was really tough, but not at all unfair. The exam did what it was supposed to do, it distinguished between informed and uninformed students. Although I felt like my head was disconnected and floating above my body, and I was certainly leaning toward being completely uninformed, I got 100% on it! Woo hooo!!!!

The funniest (but in the same breath, NOT AT ALL funny) thing happened to a student in our class this weekend. The guy is really funny, often inappropriate, comes off like a major slacker but is an A student. He's earned quite a reputation as the class clown, and he's often late for class, but is ALWAYS late for the final. This final was no exception. The clock was ticking away and the "where is he's?!" had begun. Kat decided to call him on his cell phone to see if he was on his way. He answered and explained why he was running late. Get this:

He had been at a friend's house the night before and had checked his e-mail while he was there. When he left, he left his e-mail account logged in. His so-called friend, decided to play a practical joke on him. His friend sent an e-mail that went something like this:

Hi. I don't know what's wrong with me lately, but I have been thinking about you a lot. Tonight for instance, I sat up most of the night thinking about you and masturbating. I just ejaculated all over myself and my computer while thinking about you, and thought I should confess to you about it. What should I do?

His so-called friend, signed the class clown's name to it and sent it. He sent it to EVERYONE in his address book. His friends, work associates, class mates, every instructor in our program, the director of our program, and even to his Mom. He put everyone in the BCC line so it looked like they were the only one getting the message. Just think about the implications of that. He did not realize what had happened until after people started calling him early in the morning asking him what the hell was wrong with him.

Our professor, Dr. D, whose final we were all about to take - had already gotten and opened his e-mail the night before. She had written him back, telling him that he was obviously disturbed, but that she was willing to help him find some psychiatric help. She was extremely glad to hear that it had only been a sick practical joke. When the class clown finally arrived (late because he was trying to phone everyone who'd received the e-mail) he was so visibly upset that no one even made eye contact with him. I cannot imagine!

After class I went home and hung out with Aj. We went to lunch at Panera, and then to the grocery. Later in the day we went shopping for running shoes - then back home where Aj cooked spaghetti and meatballs, and we ate, drank wine and watched a movie, Phone Booth. I was in bed by 9:30 - I was really wiped out.

We did not really discuss my possible promotion in any detail this weekend like we were supposed to. Nor did I put the pros and cons on paper like I was supposed to. Guess I should get on that.


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