Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Thursday, August 14, 2003


Well, Aj pulled out of his funk, and was in an angelic mood by the time he got home. This is hilarious, considering we have been together five years: He was all giggly and shy and nervous about having to pick the night's activities. He sat me down and said, "you gotta help me decide..."..."we can do this, or that, or this and that, or that and this..." and I said, "Aj, it's your turn, it's your night, you pick!".

BIG MISTAKE! (just kidding)

He finally decided that he just wanted to grab something quick to eat and go play some tennis together. Nothing fancy - and pretty sweet considering the competitive level he's been playing at lately. (As in - why would he want to play tennis with slow and boring me?!) I will preface the details of the date by saying we had a great time and I was not disapointed with the activities, or happenings.

That said - he decided we would go to the commissary food court to eat because he wanted pizza, and I wanted to eat pretty clean and it needed to be quick. He ordered his pizza, I got a turkey wrap from the sandwich shop, and his boss went to Taco Bell and ordered tacos. Oh, didn't realize his boss was coming along? Yeah - NEITHER DID I! Of course, we had to do the polite thing and ask his boss to join us to eat - his wife and children are in Florida right now - he's all alone, blah, blah, blah.

Of course, Aj and his boss had JUST left work and eachother's company less than an hour before, so there was no way they would sit there and talk ABOUT work the whole time, right? Wrong. But it was okay...really.

So - we got done eating and left for the courts. No, his boss did not join us. We played tennis for a few hours and I was a bigger dolt than I have ever been on the court. Swinging at balls and 'whoosh!" nothing there. Doing odd leaps and spins and acting generally goofy. I have no idea what was wrong with me, but I caught a case of the giggles and could not get rid of them. All of this was very annoying to Adam, which only made me laugh harder. I was slow, clumsy and downright annoying to play with. I was even annoyed with me. By the time we left, he'd even beat me twice playing left-handed! In my defense, I had run three miles the night before and three miles that morning and have been cutting back on my food intake and so, was just plain tired. In addition, my left hamstring has been whining at me a bit when I run, and last night on the court it was giving me stern warnings: No fast starts! No frivolous diving, or lungeing! Yep, I was babying it for fear I would pull it and not be able to run this morning.

Anyway, after dark we headed home and the date was over. It was not flashy or romantic, but it did what is was designed to do: It forced us to make time on the calendar this week for eachother. And it was good.

This morning's run was tough tough tough. 3 in 32:11 with 2/wb. I really had to fight off an extra walk break in the final mile. Gosh I was tired, and it was very muggy. I was just plain out of steam going into mile 2, and finishing 3 seemed almost impossible. But, I did. Weight before 141 - weight after 139.5.

My little nephew has a name now: Gabriel Lynn - 'Gabe' for short. Not that my opinion matters, but I like it, and in a sense, 'knew' it would be Gabe. The name got stuck in my head for no reason the other day and I wondered if this could be why. I am psychic sometimes. Too bad it's not when I am picking lottery numbers.


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