Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

The GOO Run Run Run Report

PowerGel Chocolate has about the flavor and consistency of hot fudge, when eaten straight from the jar, cold. (Not that I would know what that is like.) It is very, very, very sweet and thick. I was expecting a pudding-like consistency, but it was definitely more like thick syrup. It was not enjoyable to eat, but it was palatable – erm, for the most part.

Did it make a difference? At first I thought not. I ran the first two miles a teeny bit faster than I normally do in the mornings, but I did not feel different enough to be impressed. I still took walk-breaks after each mile, and really felt just about the same. But then I hit mile three – the mile in which I normally bonk on morning runs. Well, this morning there was absolutely zero bonk in mile three, and I ran it way faster than mile one or two.

I ran three in 30:30 with two one-minute walk-breaks and felt much mo better after my run than usual.

Oh, and:
Weight before: 140.5 (It’s about fecking time!)
Weight after: 139.5

The question I have about the goo is…. I burn about 100 calories per mile – that’s 300 calories for my standard morning run. If I eat Gel, Gu, Goo, or Glue – that’s 100 calories I am ingesting, bringing my total calorie burn down to 200. So – unless my goal is performance (speed) – it is probably not worth (calorie-wise) eating the goo unless I intend to add distance (at least another mile). Does that make sense?


At any rate – Aj is supposed to stop at GNC on base to buy me some different kinds to try. Yes, that’s right, there will be more goo reviews to come. I’ll bet you can’t wait.

What else is new? Aj went out with Todd last night after golf, and rolled into bed around 2:45 AM. Yipes! I dunno how he got up and went to work this morning. He left for base while I was out running, and when I came in, I noticed he’d made our bed, but peeled down the blanket and sheet on his side. Something tells me he’s got plans to nap after work.

I did not get much homework done last night - I was talking to Michelle about moving out here again. Same old song and dance there.

Today is Lyn and mine’s second anniversary of the day we met.
Happy Anniversary Lyn! Thanks for the card!

Larry is due in any time now from Dallas, so I bettagit back to work.


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