Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Tuesday, August 12, 2003


*My sister is in Labor AS I WRITE THIS. She began having contractions yesterday around this time, and went to the hospital last night. They sent her back home because she was not dilated, and told her to come back in the morning (when they had originally scheduled her labor to be induced). Jesse said I would likely be an Auntie by noon, but I have not heard anything yet! I hope everything is going well and that all three of them are hanging in there. Jesse and Mandy must be exhausted by now!

*I was the first one done and scored a 96% on my midterm. G9 was second out of the room, and scored 100%. Dood has a photographic memory. Very, very thmart. Now it's time to prepare for the final, which is in two weeks.

*Went out to Vito's with Lyn, C, and Aj Saturday night and had blast. We had planned to have an inexpensive night - out for pizza and then back to Lyn and C's to play Mexican Dominoes - but ended up staying at Vito's and drinking to the tune of three bottles of wine, various beers and mixed drinks etc. Our tab was $200.00 by the time we walked out of there. While we were there, Aj gave a hilarious spiel on salesmanship, in which he tried to convince us that the dessert actually tasted like shit, and that we only thought it tasted good because of the salesmanship of our waitress. Other topics of discussion: Death by skydiving as seen on TV or otherwise, Skeletor and Skwigg. I am sure I've forgotten other hilarious topics due to the three bottles of wine, mixed drinks, etc.

*I took Saturday and Sunday as rest days from running, and overslept on Monday morning. I am finding that the weeks following the weekends I have class are very slow to get started due to me feeling tired or just plain lazy. Today, (weight 142.5 argh) when the alarm went off (for the tenth time) I decided I would run after work. The temperature is cool enough today that it should not be a problem. [As a side note - when I was a kid, August was dreadfully, unbearably HOT, and September was gorgeous. In present day, it seems that July is horrible, August is beautiful and September can be down right wintry at times. WADDUPWIDDAT?]

*I cut Lyn's hair last night, and she says she likes it.

*This Wednesday is datenight and it's Aj's turn to pick our night's activity. We are truly broke thanks to spending a small fortune at Vito's on Saturday, so he was saying this morning, "You had it easy on your night! I have to be creative, because we so po!"

I guess that's all the update I have for now. Stay tuned bloggie, I will keep you posted. Haha...posted....