Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Thursday, August 07, 2003


Last night was mine and Aj's first ever Wednesday night date night. It went really well. I was a little worried that his enthusiasm would be low, for one because he was out so late with Todd on Tuesday night and was lacking sleep, and for two, because the last thing a guy wants to do is like, "date" his wife, but he was great. I'd asked earlier in the day if he was tired and cranky just to kind of test the waters, and he said, "yeah, I am, but I am also looking forward to tonight!".

When I got home from work he'd been napping, but set his alarm to wake up in plenty of time to iron a nice shirt and pants, shower, put on cologne, etc. He really treated it like an actual date! I had to scramble and iron something too - because I really set my expectations low and figured it would be just a jeans and a t-shirt night.

All we did was go to "Lonie's" (Lonestar Steakhouse) and to see American Wedding, but he thanked me multiple times for dinner and multiple times for the date and told me he had a really good time several times. Heck - we were home by a little after nine - but we really had fun. Aj really exceeded my expectations - which made "mandatory date night" so much better than I'd envisioned it when I invented it last week. It's really strange - if it had been the weekend, or just a regular night he would not have been so psyched, or thankful or appreciative. He really went out of his way to actually spend time with me while he was with me. Major husband points!


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