Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Exam Week

Mood: Math Challenged
Listening To: Velvet Revolver

What's new:

  • My throat is feeling less lump-like as long as I am taking the meds. As soon as I am late on a dose I start feeling it again. Strange and a little worrisome... as I am not a long-term meds person.
  • I went to get my lab drawn this morning - I survived without coffee until 10:00 AM!  I will find out the results when I see the doc again in a few weeks.
  • I won four Cardinal's tickets in a raffle! There is a first time for everything!
  • I have a Math Exam Tuesday night that I am extremely stressed about.
  • I have my Math Final exam on Wednesday night that I am also extremely stressed about. Howevah, the Math Final is the last exam I have to take in order to complete my degree.

Thank God. It will finally be over!

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Lumpy Neck

Saw the doctor today about that lumpy feeling in my throat. He's confident it's related to a sinus backup, which is causing my ear to ache and my throat to feel irritated and lumpy. He prescribed a bunch of meds (decongestant, anti-inflammatory & nasal spray) and I am to follow up in two weeks. Hopefully that takes care of everything! This has been going on for at least a month now.

Incidentally - while feeling around in my throat he felt that my thyroid is enlarged, so he's ordered labs for that. (Thyroid conditions run on my Mom's side of the family. Mom and Grandma were both on meds for life - so this finding did not surprise me. It does make me wonder though, if maybe that's where the lumpy feeling is coming from?)

He also ordered a sugar test and a cholesterol screening for which I have to be fasting for 12 hours prior.  I will have no problem not eating from 8PM to 8AM. It's not being able to have my beloved coffee in the morning that I will struggle with!

The P.A. that I saw happened to be an Air Force P.A. and went through a program similar to the one Aj is about to begin.  He said I will not be seeing much of my husband during the two years of schooling and residency, and that it's a blessing we don't have kids yet.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Math Sucks

Been "trying" to do my math homework but just don't really have it in me to comprehend anything today. I am so close to being done with school and so, have an extremely short attention spa

I made grilled buffalo chicken salads for dinner w/Anchor Bar wing sauce, red onion, cukes, garden toms, and blue cheese crumbles - yum! I made myself one for lunch tomorrow - so that's taken care of - and - I am going to bed early enough to get 8 hours of sleep and still have time to get up and at least go for a walk. I've been sedentary and feeling no guilt about it, which is a new thing for me. Bad me!


Friday, July 16, 2004

Better late than never!

Dear Grandma,

Hello! I was so glad to get your letter! Sorry it took me so long to write you back. Let's see if I can get you up to date on me.

You asked if I'd been running. Unfortunately, not much. When you know who got in that horrible car wreck on April 13th - I took about a month off from running while "running" back and forth to KC to help care for her. By the time I got back to "normal life" the weather had gotten hot, and I had lost quite a bit of my aerobic conditioning. I found I could not run as fast or as long as before, which was discouraging. I kinda gave up, I guess.

I've never been good at running when it's hot outside, so now that we are in the heat of the summer, it's even tougher for me to get out there. (Excuses, excuses, I know!)
Anyway - to make a long story short, I've gone from running 30 miles per week to running about 10 miles per week. I plan to increase my mileage and possibly to train for another half marathon this fall when the weather cools off.

Speaking of you know who - she is back in Kansas City with Earl! After I spit and cursed and stomped and got myself disowned by certain family members, they decided to allow Grandma to move back to KC as long as Earl vowed to take care of her. She could not be happier and every time I talk to her she seems to be doing better, thankfully. I saw no reason for her to be in Colorado when she had so many friends, family and of course Earl, back in KC. Her spirits have improved so much since she's been back. I am glad I put up the fight - it was worth every second just to see her happy.

What else? I am taking an accelerated Math this summer which happens to be the last class I need for my Bachelor's degree. Yipee! The summer class is condensed from 16 weeks to 8 weeks, so has kept me really busy. I will be glad when it's over in a few weeks. I am ready to take a break from school for a while!

Next week, another military family (good friends of ours) are moving in with us for a few weeks. They've sold their house and have orders to move to Colorado - but it's not quite time for them to leave yet - and they need a place to stay. They have a dog and two young'uns - so it should be exciting around our house for a while, and busy as usual.

There is not too much else that's new. Adam and have both been super busy with work. We both have upcoming business trips in August - and he has a pleasure trip scheduled to visit his family in New York. I'd love to go, but don't get as many vacation days as he does, so he will be on his own for that one.

I am at work in the city as I write this, waiting for Adam to pick me up. We are headed to KC this weekend for a quick turnaround. We have Royals tickets for tomorrow's game, and Earl turns 82 on Sunday - so we will take them out for a bite to celebrate before heading back to Saint Louis.

Seems like we're always running and the calendar is booked up months in advance. One of these days I hope to have a few days with absolutely nothing scheduled. It would be nice to slow down a little!

Speaking of slowing down - I need to run. Adam will be here momentarily. I hope you and Grandpa are happy and well. I think about you all the time - even when I seem to have disappeared from the planet. I love you both! Be good to yourselves!

love, me

On The Road Again

Every time I check back here there seem to be more features! I really think I am going to have to start using this thing!
Today A and I are leaving for KC again. Seems like we were just there - probably becuase we were. We have several more trips coming up right away too. This weekend we have Royals tickets, and E turns 82 on Sunday, so we want to take he and Gram out to lunch to celebrate.
I rented the audio book, "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" for the road. I've been wanting to read it - so am looking forward to hearing it.

Monday, July 12, 2004

Mood: Thoughtful
Listening To: Joss Stone

I was looking for motivational quotes today to send to T on postcards, and came across this one, that I love:

"When I hear somebody sigh, 'Life is hard,' I am always tempted to ask, 'compared to what'?" ~Sydney Harris

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Mood: Pretty unremarkable
Listening To: Talk radio

I pretty much accomplished nothing this weekend. I hate it when that happens.

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Mood:Hung over :(
Listening To: Nada

I drank last night. Bourbon. I drank too much. I drank so much that I am totally hungover today - and will have wasted my entire beautiful sunny Saturday laying around with a headache, trying not to puke, and feeling horribly guilty about the way I treated my husband last night. I was smart enough not to drive, and to call him to come and get me - but then ended up angry and yelling at him and being totally idiotic. He ended up leaving and sleeping at a friend's house. He was really, really upset with me this morning - and I had to eat major crow - which I am not used to at all.

I hate it when I get that drunk and I hate dealing with the repercussions SO MUCH and every time, I say "never again". How come there always seems to be a next time? I am blogging about this right now because if four months from now I find myself laying in bed all day, trying not to puke and being full of regret - I will have this entry to reference as further proof that I'm a complete idiot.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Mood: Slap Happy
Listening To: Big & Rich, Kid Rock, Sarah McLachlan

I dunno where I have been lately. There has really been so much going on in my life that it would have been the perfect time period to blog, and yet I've been feeling so "busy" that everything feels like homework, therefore - no blogging.

I am trying to learn to slow down and have fun.