Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Lumpy Neck

Saw the doctor today about that lumpy feeling in my throat. He's confident it's related to a sinus backup, which is causing my ear to ache and my throat to feel irritated and lumpy. He prescribed a bunch of meds (decongestant, anti-inflammatory & nasal spray) and I am to follow up in two weeks. Hopefully that takes care of everything! This has been going on for at least a month now.

Incidentally - while feeling around in my throat he felt that my thyroid is enlarged, so he's ordered labs for that. (Thyroid conditions run on my Mom's side of the family. Mom and Grandma were both on meds for life - so this finding did not surprise me. It does make me wonder though, if maybe that's where the lumpy feeling is coming from?)

He also ordered a sugar test and a cholesterol screening for which I have to be fasting for 12 hours prior.  I will have no problem not eating from 8PM to 8AM. It's not being able to have my beloved coffee in the morning that I will struggle with!

The P.A. that I saw happened to be an Air Force P.A. and went through a program similar to the one Aj is about to begin.  He said I will not be seeing much of my husband during the two years of schooling and residency, and that it's a blessing we don't have kids yet.


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