Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Saturday, December 20, 2008


I am kind of freaked out by how connected everything is becoming through technology. I want to sort of 'join the revolution', but every time I join a facebook, myspace or similar thing, I end up feeling sort of stalked or like my privacy is being invaded, rather than feeling connected. Then I end up deleting the account.

Maybe I am finally getting old? It seems like EVERY site now has options so that your 'friends' can keep up with what you're reading, where you're eating, every thought you have during the day, every place you go... it's so stifling...and at the same time I kind of want to participate.

It's so strange though, how no one talks on the phone any more - everything is Text, email, Twitter, IM, etc. Pretty soon no one will get together in person - we will all just sit on our couches and go to virtual happy hour with all of our 'friends'.

Speaking of technology - I have a brand new Toshiba 40" LCD HD TV sitting here that I get to open on Christmas, and my Tom Tom GPS unit arrived yesterday! :) Also - I think I am buying a Mac Mini for the new TV. YAY TECHNOLOGY!


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