Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Sick Puppy

I went sailing last night with K and B, and was out really late. I guess it pushed me over the edge and a cold I have been fighting is rearing its ugly head. Help me! I can't breathe!!

I feel like shit on a shingle - but I'll take it. We had a great time sailing and getting away from the office was so nice. It was a beautiful evening and the conversation was great. It's good to be alive.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Hey! Look What I Found!!

I am a freaking expert at not spilling my drink! I rock!


I am getting a haircut this weekend and you can have a say. Cut it short again or let it grow long?


Felt small lately?


Halloween is coming!! What are you going to be?

Last time I dressed up I was a 'head-shrinking aborigine'. Send me your suggestions for what I should do this year...

What's Up?

Listening To: In Your Eyes, Peter Gabriel

Mood: Introspective.

Workload: Heavy - but so enjoyable.

General health: Great - except some back pain.

Spousal relations: Pretty good - except football and golf have taken over his brain.

Nutrition: Back to the S'Beach. Trying to get ready for our December cruise.

Weight: 138 (down from the heaviest I have ever been = 149.5 after Fourth of July week at Lake Erie. Holy shit!!!! That scared the helloutta me!!!!)

Running: Finally. It's cooled down and I am LOVING it. It's so meditative for me. My breath matches the rhythm of my footfalls and I just GO. And I think. And I feel safe here, on base, which is so nice.

Family: I have been really distant. I need to explore how come.

Friends: Umm...did I mention I've been distant?

Outlook for the weekend: Headed to Raleigh to see Michelle!

Self-Image: You know what? It's pretty darn good lately.

Note to self: Being not dead is good.

Overall me score out of 10: 8

Reading: Sick Puppy, by Carl Hiaasen

Drinking: Red wine and/or Tanquerey & Tonic. Right now, Caliterra Merlot 2003 that I found for $5 per bottle. NICE!

Killing Time With: Futzing w/ my iPod and iTunes.

Looking forward to: Indian Food w/ my Boss this week!

Next time I'm wheels up: Headed to Albuquerque in October to see my Lyn!!

Last thing I took a picture of: A pair of flip-flops.

Last thing I ate: Lemon pepper salmon and roasted asparagus. (But I had a fully-loaded cheeseburger for lunch that was SOOO frigging good!)

What I am going to do right now: fold laundry.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Mood: Satisfied
Listening To: A playlist of my favorite songs - iPod.

Right now I am sitting outside with a glass of wine enjoying the most gorgeous sunset I have seen in a long time. Lots of hot pink and purple clouds, striped by by white and blue streaks of sky. Off in the distance I can see rain pouring from one of the darker clouds. So gorgeous. My camera is in the shop again or I'd post a picture. I have taken some of my most favorite pictures at dusk.

Today was productive. I burned a CD for a friend, cleaned the entire house, did most of the laundry, went running, went grocery shopping, listened to a ton of great music, and am now cooking myself a really nice meal.

Aj left to golf in Queenstown at 10AM and it's a tourney w/ dinner after, so I prolly won't see him until 9:30-10:00. Good thing I really like my own company! Actually - I really needed this day and was praying his event would not get rained out - no offense Aj.

After dinner I plan to read read read. I am trying to finish this 950+ page book, Shantaram. It's really very good - although I've been dragging through a slow spot in the plot for a while now. Anyone read it? If so, what'd you think?


Mood: Contemplative
Listening To: Harder to Breathe, by Maroon 5

Does anyone read this anymore? Let me know if you're out there with a comment people. Porn dealers need not respond. I am fully stocked on porn, thanks.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Life is Good

Mood: Appreciative
Listening To: John Mayer's new CD, Continuum.

Here is to good friends, loving your job, being free to run, and Autumn.