Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Mood: Satisfied
Listening To: A playlist of my favorite songs - iPod.

Right now I am sitting outside with a glass of wine enjoying the most gorgeous sunset I have seen in a long time. Lots of hot pink and purple clouds, striped by by white and blue streaks of sky. Off in the distance I can see rain pouring from one of the darker clouds. So gorgeous. My camera is in the shop again or I'd post a picture. I have taken some of my most favorite pictures at dusk.

Today was productive. I burned a CD for a friend, cleaned the entire house, did most of the laundry, went running, went grocery shopping, listened to a ton of great music, and am now cooking myself a really nice meal.

Aj left to golf in Queenstown at 10AM and it's a tourney w/ dinner after, so I prolly won't see him until 9:30-10:00. Good thing I really like my own company! Actually - I really needed this day and was praying his event would not get rained out - no offense Aj.

After dinner I plan to read read read. I am trying to finish this 950+ page book, Shantaram. It's really very good - although I've been dragging through a slow spot in the plot for a while now. Anyone read it? If so, what'd you think?


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