Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Monday, October 20, 2003

Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely lonely time.....yes it has.

Once again, it has been forever since I have even logged in here. Things are fine, just busy as usual, and I guess I get bored with constantly proclaiming how busy I am.

Did I mention I have been really busy?

Of note:

My WED graduation ceremony was last week. Too bad we still have two months of school left.

I started the South Beach diet last Tuesday and have lost five pounds so far.

I have been running (though not as frequently as I would like) and my hamstring has healed. The weather has been perfect for running.

Aj and I got Chris Rock tickets for November 19th!

My Grandmother on my Dad's side made it clear today that she had no idea I was named after her own daughter. All those years, and you'd think she would have known. I always assumed she had known. My family is apparently way more whacked than I have been giving it credit for.


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