Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Friday, October 03, 2003

Lyn started it:

Mood: on the verge of going either way

Workload: not bad

General health: a bit stuffed up and headachey for unknown reason. Tired.

Spousal relations: good for the most part, aside from late night argument last night about: you guessed it!

Nutrition: not good, eating whatever I please. Ate one orange starburst for breakfast. And coffee.

Weight: 141

Running: decent. Still sore and regretting taking so much time off. Hammie still vowing revenge.

School: about to get nuts with new way-whizzo instructor who has already sent us six pages of instructions and assignments and class does not start for thee weeks. Looking forward to it, but afraid, very afraid.

Internship: stagnant

Family: loopy as hell

Friends: loopy as hell

Outlook for the weekend: mixed (cool plans with friends, chores, and homework)

Self-Image: Not good. A trip to the mall on Wednesday left me feeling old and fat.

Note to self: Stay out of the mall.

Overall me score out of 10: 5.9


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