Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Monday, April 10, 2006

Microfiber Algae

Mood: Tired of being in pain.
Listening To: Rocco DeLuca & Burden: I Trust You to Kill Me

I am having a MAJOR flare. I have become one with the heating pad again. Ugh.

Today was moving day at work. BUSY. EXHAUSTING.

My replacement starts tomorrow. I will only have three days with her. UGH!!!!!!!

My friend at work calls my Fibromyalgia, "Microfiber Algae". I love that. Makes me picture a very soft, slimy, green blanket. Ewww.

I am a little concerned that this flare will continue through our 12 day road trip and make things miserable. Hope it is gone, or faded by then.

One of the things I was shocked by at the Rheumatologist last week was this; He asked how my sleep has been. I said fine, great. I sleep well. He said that just because I am able to sleep 8 hours per night does not mean I am getting good, restful healing sleep. People can sleep all night every night without ever getting into stage IV, which is when the joints and muscles heal. Huh. So - even if I am 'sleeping' just fine, I may NOT be getting any real rest. I honestly thought that if I was 'losing sleep' it'd be completely obvious - like it was early on when I constantly lay awake with tingly, feverish feelings.


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