Bo, Re: Me

I am not your carpet ride... I am the sky...

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Monday, June 30, 2003

Just got home and showered after playing Tennis with A. It was fun but it was kinda spoiled by the fact that we fought on the way there and on the way home. Seems to be the norm lately - we have not been getting along well at all.

Tonight - he accused me of cheating on him - again - and I dunno if he is serious or just? Testing my reaction? I am grasping here.

I told him that I was sick of his accustations, and that a full course-load and full-time job left me no time to cheat on him. I told him, on a more serious note, that I am only half way through this program and if he's feeling this way now, we could be in trouble.

I stay up late a lot doing homework long after he's in bed. I am also guilty of falling asleep on the couch, often. So that, we have not had much sex lately. He is feeling neglected - somewhat understandably. I am just spent and have nothing, not even sympathy, to give right now. I am like, "yeah, well I'd like more back-rubs, you want more sex - neither one of us is getting what we want so quit being so conceited and acting like you got it all covered on my end". Or something like that. It's true - but it's not the most diplomatic I've ever been.

I am so tired.

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

My run this morning was decent, but I am still having trouble feeling over-heated during the third mile. My heart rate after running one mile was 160 -acceptable I guess - 85% / max.

Worked alone all day, as Larry is out of town. Stayed at work until almost 7 tonight to get some more homework done. The conference I have been working on is this weekend, so lots to do to prepare - and being a perfectionist - I am driving myself crazy with all of the graphics and fonts and shading and argh! Hope it all goes well.

Monday, June 23, 2003

Got home from Great Grandma Saar's funeral and the Rehmer family reunion last night to find our entire lawn had been mowed. Kellie later told me that it had been Mary Kay- our neighbor to the left.

Lynda called to see if she could drop something by. She dropped off home-made chili, a loaf of bread and shredded cheese for mine and Aj's dinner - she said she knew we would not have time to cook.

We are really blessed. Wow.